Tipperary Homeowners Cautioned About Hiring Gardening Service Tradespeople


 A Tipperary town woman is warning people about hiring tradespeople on the basis of a flyer they use to promote their service. 

The woman posted on social media that her mother, who is 90 years of age, was charged €400 by a gardening service to powerwash her front yard which measures  4m by 7m. The family member says the work was also of poor standard with bins and walls left coated in soil.  The business was asked to return and rectify the situation but have failed to respond. An Garda Siochana were contacted but are reported to have said the matter is not a criminal offence.  

Others commenting on the post shared some similar negative experiences about the quality of work done and items being broken by the people providing a similar service. One person commented that she “will never ever again hire someone who calls to the house to offer a service.”