Public Meeting To Be Held To Create Awareness On Status Of Thurles Bypass


The Bypass For Thurles campaign group set up earlier this year by a group of local residents is to hold a public meeting on Thursday Oct 24th in Hayes Hotel, Thurles.

The aim of this group is to create awareness among the public around the current status of the project, to build public support around a campaign to progress the project and to put pressure on decision makers.

The meeting has two agenda items – firstly to encourage people to engage in the public submissions process when the Review of the National Development Plan(NDP) opens next year – the project must be included in the NDP to be eligible for funding. There will be a number of guest speakers on the night who will discuss the importance and effectiveness of public submissions. The second item on the agenda will be a brainstorming session on the next stages of the campaign.

Dan Harty, founding member of the Bypass for Thurles campaign group, is encouraging local public representatives, business owners, community groups and members of the public to attend, contribute and to help shape the campaign.

Mr Harty is the Sinn Fein candidate for North Tipperary in the upcoming General Election.  The N62 and N75 meet in Liberty Square Thurles, the town centre leaving the town severely congested by through traffic which includes a high level of Heavy Goods Vehicles(HGVs).