Seán Treacy Commemoration Events Take Place This Weekend In Tipperary


A series of events are planned for Kilfeacle and Thomastown over the coming weekend to remember those involved in the fight for Irish Freedom, especially Seán Treacy.

The Third Tipperary Brigade Old IRA Commemoration Committee are organising the events which begin on Friday with a historical talk and slide presentation by historian Neil Donovan.  in Kilfeacle Community at 8pm.

Neil will speak about the life and times of Seán Treacy who was born in Solohead in 1895 and died on October 14th 1920 on Talbot street in Dublin – shot by Crown Forces.

Saturday evening will feature a musical evening with Festy Kerwick in Sir Rowlands Pub in Thomastown.  Sunday will see the Annual Brigade Mass in Kilfeacle Church from 2.15 pm.

This will be followed by the Annual Commemoration at Seán Treacy’s grave in Kilfeacle Cemetery.

Dr Martin Mansergh, will give this year’s oration.  The Sir Rowland’s Bar will provide refreshments and music after the commemoration. 

The committee recently published a book “Memories Etched in Stone”, written by Neil Ryan and Kevin O’Reilly covering the history of the Committee and over 1,000 photos of events and monuments connected to the fight for Independence in Tipperary which will be available for purchase at all of the events.