Pre-Amber Alert Issues To Irish Hospitals To Conserve Blood Stocks


The Irish Blood Transfusion Service(IBTS) says a PRE-AMBER alert has been issued to all Irish hospitals urging them to conserve blood stocks. Escalation to a full AMBER-Alert could impact on scheduled hospital procedures which require blood product support.  Blood supplies are extremely low with only 2.9 days “O Negative” stock. National average stocks are only 4.4 days across all blood types – ideally the service would like to have 7 days stock on hand for all blood types.

Four donation clinics are planned for Nenagh next week from Monday to Thursday. The clinics will be held at the Scouts Hall in Nenagh and each clinic has donation appointments available been 4.50pm and 8.10pm.  Appointments can be made by telephoning   1 800 222 111. New donors are welcome.  Further information on the pre-donation screening process for new donors is available on the website