An Bord Pleanála Grants Permission For Solar Farm Development In Tipperary


An Bord Pleanála (ABP) has granted permission for a solar farm development in Rathduff, Thomastown. Tipperary County Council had given permission for the development in March 2022. The Council’s approval was appealed by 26 respondents to An Bord Pleanála in April 2022. The approval by An Bord Pleanála comes with 13 conditions.

The project being led by Renewable Energy Systems Limited comprises a site of almost 42 hectares that includes solar panels, sub stations, cabling, ducting, landscaping and habitat enhancement, works to enable access to the site and security fencing. The applicant does not own the land being used for the development. The planning permission is valid for 10 years and the site would be in operation for a period of 35 years. Those making the appeal and the developer have now been notified of An Bord Pleanála decision.

The Planning Reference number for Tipperary County Council is 211014 while the ABP reference is 313424-22.