An Bord Pleanála Approves Planning Permission For A Major New Housing Development In Cashel


An Bord Pleanála has given approval to planning permission granted by Tipperary County Council in respect of a major new housing development at Hughes Lot in Cashel. The development by Dulla Developments includes 101 new homes and a crèche. A former town councillor in Cashel, Tom Woods, had lodged an appeal with An Bord Pleanála about the permission due to his concerns over the impact of additional traffic on Crotty’s Lane.

An Bord Pleanála has imposed several conditions on the planning permission including that access to Crotty’s Lane will be restricted, at least initially, to pedestrians and cyclists. The crèche, public open space and play equipment must be completed before any house can be occupied, 26 extra visitor car park spaces must be included and a fence of 1.8M in height will be included behind some houses on the Eastern boundary of the site. All roads and footpaths must be completed as per a Taking in Charge Drawing to be submitted prior to development commencing.  The permission also includes a clause that the purchase of the house is restricted to owner occupation or for use as social, affordable or cost rental homes for at least two years after construction to prevent corporate entities from purchasing the homes.  An Bord Pleanála’s report and directions can be viewed at this link here.