Tipp Tidy Towns To Formally Request Greater Level Of Maintenance Work By Council


Tipperary Tidy Towns group is to formally request a greater level of maintenance work by Tipperary County Council staff in the town especially in the Tipperary Hills area and the River Arra Walkway.

The Tidy Towns group say the level of work involved in mowing grass, tending to flower beds and picking litter cannot be done by a voluntary group.

The group met last week and agreed a list of action items to be raised with the Council.

The group would also like to recruit more volunteers as no hanging baskets were purchased in 2024 as it was not possible to arrange for someone to water the baskets.

The Council does water the larger flower tubs situated on the ground around town.

Paul O’Callaghan, group Chairperson, updated on plans to create a Biodiversity Plan in Knockanrawley as a pilot scheme that might be rolled out across town in the future.

A dedicated group is to examine if a no-spray policy, purpose specific planting and other measures can be implemented in the area with the Community Gardener at the Knockanrawley expected to be a helpful resource alongside local community members.

The Tidy Towns group was informed that the hedge at Knockanrawley Resource Centre had to be removed for safety reasons and to make the building itself more visible.

A new recycled plastic fence has been erected instead of the hedge.