Feedback Sought By The County Tipperary Chamber From The Business Community


The County Tipperary Chamber is asking for feedback from the business community across the county.  The Chamber wants to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing the business community and says it will then work to resolve the issues with the Government, Tipperary County Council, Uisce Eireann, State Training Agencies and other stakeholders. 

The survey seeks information in such areas as business sector, business structure and number of employees, it seeks to identify issues that effect competitiveness and to identify infrastructure that needs improving. Business operators are also asked for feedback in respect of issues such as business practices/operations over the last 12 months regarding Sustainability & Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG). The Chamber is also seeking to analyse issues around securing staff and staff upskilling in the survey. The survey also asks respondents about their expectations in terms of revenue in the coming year. The business community is also being asked about the main priority issues in the next General Election. Amongst the suggested priorities are housing supply, increase in anti-social behaviour, investment in community amenities, public transport, health care provision, green energy development and upskilling and retraining for areas of potential economic growth.

The survey is provided online and the link has been emailed to all members. County Tipperary Chamber of Commerce is a countywide business representative organisation headquartered in Clonmel with four full time staff.