McGrath Sharply Critical Of Education Minister On Lack Of Reform For School Transport System


Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath is sharply critical of Education Minster Norma Foley for a lack of reform in the School Transport System.

The Rural Independent TD says some families across the county face another year of School Transport difficulties with some family reported to have already received letters of refusal for the School Transport Scheme which is operated by Bus Éireann of behalf of the Department of Education.

Deputy McGrath is highlighting that Minister Foley began a review of the Scheme in 2021 and although the final recommendations were issued in January 2024 no improvements are in place for the coming school year.

The report clearly outlines actionable recommendations that could according to Deputy McGrath significantly improve the school transport scheme.

It suggests removing the ‘nearest school’ requirement if there are existing bus routes or if there is enough demand for a new route (at least 10 pupils), and reducing the distance required for pupils to qualify for the scheme.

If these changes were implemented in conjunction with an increase in the number of buses it would deliver major improvements – promising improvements in September 2025 is simply not good enough according to Deputy McGrath.