Tipp Disability Rights Campaigner To Hold Rally Outside Taoiseach’s Dept


Tipperary Disability Rights campaigner Cara Darmody (13) will hold a rally & protest outside the Taoiseach’s Department at noon today in an effort to get the Government to stop the breaking of the Assessments of Needs Law (AON).

This law states that autistic children must be assessed by the HSE within 6 months – this should then be followed by appropriate therapies if recommended.

It presently the HSE many years to deliver the assessments which is in total breach of this law.

Ms Darmody, aged 13 lays the responsibility for this at the feet of the Government.

Cara wants the Government to set a deadline of 12 months to stop the breaking of the AON law.

During today’s rally the young activist will announce her vision of what Ireland should look like for children with disabilities.

Although the Dáil is on it’s Summer break the teenager from Ardfinnan is calling for public support and also requested TDs, Senators & Councillors from all parties to attend.

Cara and her father Mark have accepted an invitation to meet with the Lord Mayor of Dublin Cllr James Geoghegan , at the Mansion House at 10am – the teenager is currently using crutches and a wheelchair at times due to a knee injury sustained in a football match.