Integration Dept Confirms Asylum Seekers To Arrive In Dundrum House Hotel “Shortly”


As representatives of the group in Dundrum opposed to the creation of an IPAS accommodation centre in the Dundrum House Hotel Complex are due to be in the High Court again today as part of their campaign to stop the centre, the Department of Integration has issued an updated briefing note.

The document was issued to the 6 Tipperary Oireachtas members and the 11 councillors in the Tipp Cahir Cashel MD yesterday afternoon.  The document says it’s purpose is “to ensure you are informed of developments in your area in relation to emergency accommodation for international applicants.”

As there are currently 80 vacant beds at Dundrum House Hotel Complex these will now be used for asylum seekers.

The overall capacity at Dundrum House Hotel remains the same at 277 persons according to the briefing note. The IPAS office now intends to begin placing people seeking international protection in these vacant places “shortly” without giving a specific date.

The accommodation will be used for families and females that “could include both parents and children including male children aged 18 and over of that family unit.” The accommodation is to be on a self-catering basis.

The document goes on to say that the property is run by Brogan Capital Ventures and that there will be security staff present during the day while a manager and some staff will be present at all times. CCTV is also in place with each resident having “their own lockable bedroom.”

Each adult resident will receive a weekly allowance of €38.80 per week with other assistance available at the discretion of the Community Welfare Officer.

The 7-page document says Ireland is currently experiencing an acute shortage of accommodation for people seeking international protection.

In order to minimise homelessness, the Department is availing of every possible vacancy.

As vacancies arise within existing properties, including in those accommodating refugees from Ukraine, the Department is availing of these spaces.

The document describes Dundrum House Hotel as now being a hybrid property accommodating people seeking international protection and refugees from Ukraine.

The document provides an email address for queries about the Dundrum House Hotel Accommodation Centre at  [email protected] .

30,463 people are now being provided with accommodation and support services in the International Protection service and 41,975 refugees from Ukraine are in state provided or pledged accommodation.