Tipperary TD Calls For Alleviation Of Cost Pressures On Irish Motorists


Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath is calling on the government to alleviate some of the cost pressures on Irish motorists ‘The government’s relentless pursuit of carbon taxes and toll hikes, according to Deputy McGrath, is nothing short of a ‘financial ambush’ on the hardworking people of this country.’

The TD released data revealing that since the start of 2020 through May 2024, motorists have paid €1.426 billion in toll charges for ten toll roads across the country.

“Of the ten toll roads on the national road network, eight are operated under a public-private partnership (PPP) scheme, while the M50 and Dublin Tunnel are managed on behalf of the state by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). The TD highlights the scale of tolls noting that the M8 Fermoy Bypass, has seen tolls increase by 57% in just four years, from €10.7 million in 2020 to €16.8 million in 2023.”

The data shows that drivers using the M50 have contributed €708.6m between January 1st 2020 and May 2024 – the TD says the roadway has been paid for many times over. In addition to the tolls, motorists are also facing annual increases in the carbon tax and increases in excise duties as the Government restores excise rates to the levels in place pre the 2022 energy crises.  At present carbon tax is €56 per tonne of carbon dioxide – legislation passed in 2020 will implement an annual increase in carbon tax of approximately €7.50 up until 2029 and €6.50 in 2030, when the rate will reach €100 per tonne of CO2.

Deputy McGrath notes that the government is now collecting more VAT on petrol and diesel than ever before, €2.3 billion in fuel tax in 2022, escalating to €3.8 billion in 2023.