Tipperary PPN Encourage Local Community Centres To Apply For Community Centre Investment Fund


The Tipperary Public Participation Network(PPN) is reminding local community centre committees of the €20M community centre investment fund. Applications for this fund will open on July 29th 2024 and the closing date for applications is August 29th 2024.

Funding will be available under 2 Categories, with grants of between €10k and €100K available:

Category 1 – Small scale projects/improvements to facilities – €10,000 to €25,000

Category 2  – Larger scale projects – €25,001 to €100,000

Match funding is required for both Categories with a minimum of 5% for Category 1 and a minimum of 10% for Category 2.

Funding can be used for Projects which improve access for all to community facilities, including works to improve facilities such as kitchen and toilet facilities, upgrades to lighting systems and stage areas, improvements to facilities which are necessary to meet fire safety and building regulations, retrofitting/energy upgrade projects that improve the usability or longevity of the facility and reduce energy bills and essential maintenance work.

Those interested in submitting an application can find all details and a video of an information meeting at this link here – applicants have to register with Pobal before submitting their application.