The Emly Summer Festival Continues Today Until Sunday


The Emly Summer Festival continues today – the old creamery will be open between 2pm and 4pm for guided tours by former Manager Michael O Sullivan, at 6pm the Art and Craft exhibition will be officially opened.

A photographic exhibition entitled “Golden Moments from the Thatch” will be launched at 6pm (Cheese and Wine Reception) and be open to view on Saturday and Sunday between noon and 4pm.

The evening events include skittles at 7pm and a fun quiz in McEniry’s Bar at 9.30pm.

The Festival continues through Saturday and Sunday with yoga, street market,  a forest walk, tennis, music in Byrnes Tavern, a vintage pedal bike competition- who has the best looking bike?

At 1pm on Saturday a new sign will be unveiled in the Church car park to reflect the festival theme “Leave no one Behind.”

Martin Quinn will unveil the sign – the community council want everyone in the community to take part in some way to give people the opportunity to meet and know their neighbours.

Sunday’s events include a special festival mass at 11.15am, at 1.30pm a fancy dress parade for adults and children – national costumes welcome, a Sports day with free BBQ at 2pm –  featuring an over 35s match between Emly and Lattin and children’s competitions.

An Afternoon tea dance in Patsy Byrnes will be held between 3pm and 5pm, a children’s treasure hunt commencing at 5pm and live music at 9.30pm in Byrnes Tavern will round out the day.

A Raffle is ongoing during the festival to cover event costs, the organisers are also being well supported by local businesses and the Tipperary Council Festival Grant Programme.