Annual Mass In St John’s Famine Graveyard To Take Place Tomorrow


St John’s Famine Graveyard committee is to hold it’s Annual Mass in the Graveyard tomorrow evening(Tuesday June 25th) with Archdeacon Eugene Everard as the principal celebrant. The Mass is set for 7.30pm with the CJ Kickham band to provide musical accompaniment. The committee says remembering those buried in the Famine Graveyard and keeping the cemetery well maintained is a duty for people in the town. Anyone attending the Mass is advised to bring a folding chair and if anyone can bring extra chairs the committee would be most grateful.

Work to restore the footpaths in the historic Graveyard is a key priority for the committee who have been pressing the local Municipal District and councillors to source funding for the project.  The group held a collection in Tipperary town recently and wish to acknowledge the generous support from the local community but says it is beyond the scope of the committee to raise the funds for the footpath repairs. The committee would also welcome some new members to ensure that the committee will continue in operation ensuring the Graveyard is well maintained as at present with the assistance of five TUS workers.

The current committee is Anthony Foley(Chairperson), Joan Coffey(Secretary), Ellen Foley(Treasurer), Mary Swords(PRO), Annie Hutton McVeigh(Acting PRO), Nuala Gleeson,  Noreen Fahey, John Quinn,  Pat Jones and Gerry Cronin.