Cara Darmody To Meet With Taoiseach Simon Harris This Week


A teenager from Co. Tipperary is to have a meeting with the Taoiseach Simon Harris about improving the delivery of autism services this Thursday at 1.30pm.

Cara Darmody who’s to hold a weekly protest outside the Irish Parliament until the next General Election says she plans to alternate between The Taoiseach’s Department and the front of Leinster House .

The Ardfinnan native says she’s four aims which includes needs assessments for all children to be carried out within six months, access to relevant services within months rather than years, for the government commit to legal obligations under the terms of the Disability Act 2005 (in particular Assessments of Needs) and Commit to producing monthly progress reports filed two months in arrears.

The local student also wants these aims backed by a timeline and assessments and services to be paid for by the State whether directly or indirectly, via reimbursement from the HSE.

CARA SAYS: “The government routinely makes announcements about funding for services. But for some reason, the backlog just seems to fluctuate between improving and actually getting worse adding we need action.