Tipperary Community Centres Eligible For Funding Under The Community Centres Investment Fund 2024


Community Centres in County Tipperary are eligible to apply for funding totalling €20 million  announced today to support the upgrade and refurbishment of their facilities.

Under the Community Centres Investment Fund 2024, funding is available at two levels. Category One for small scale projects/improvements to facilities with of €10,000 – €25,000 available and Category Two for larger scale projects eligible for funding of between €25,001 to €100,000.  The scheme will be delivered in conjunction with Pobal. Interested applicants must register in advance of the application process which will open on 29th July 2024.  The closing date for applications will be 29th August 2024.

There will be a number of online information events to assist potential applicants, the first of which will take place on Tuesday 25th June.

All materials to support applicants can be found at the Department of Rural & Community Development website  at this link here