Planning Permission Sought For Waste Concrete Recycling Facility For West Tipp


Planning permission is being sought for a waste concrete recycling facility in West Tipperary.

Kilsaran Concrete submitted the application in respect to the company’s quarry at Deerpark, Kilfeacle.

The company is hoping to process 19,500 tonnes of inert waste concrete annually using a mobile crushing and screening plant. The primary source of the waste concrete will be the on-site block and ready-mix production plants. Waste concrete generated at other Kilsaran concrete production plants and from construction and demolition sites in the quarry’s catchment area will also be accepted for recycling. Some material would be stock piled on site prior to and after processing.

Submissions on the planning application can be made until June 6th  and the Council Planning office is due to issue it’s decision  by June 27th. The planning application reference number is 2460337