Planning Permission Granted For Springmount Solar Farm Limited To Develop A Solar Farm


Springmount Solar Farm Limited has been granted planning permission to develop a solar farm on approximately 69 hectares of land in the townlands of Rathkeevin, Kilmolash Upper, Kilmolash Lower and Jamestown. The site is located adjacent to the N24 between Cahir and Clonmel.

Tipperary Planning authority granted the permission with 16 conditions attached –  the company expects the farm will generate enough energy for 12,000 homes.  The development will consist of the construction and operation of a 60MW solar PV farm consisting of solar arrays on ground mounted steel frames, with a maximum overall height of 2.6 metres.  It will also include internal underground electrical cabling, up to 20 transformers and two new gated site entrances from the R687 local road.

The applicant sought planning permission for a period of 10 years with an operational life of 40 years from the date of commissioning.