Four Walking Trails In County Tipperary To Benefit From 2024 Walks Scheme Funding


Four walking trails in county Tipperary are to benefit from the 2024 Walks Scheme funding.  Under the Government’s Walks Scheme, over €408,000 will be provided nationally to resurface, re-route and improve outdoor trails to benefit local communities, tourists, walkers and hikers alike.  The investment is designed to open up our countryside to visitors and make Ireland a world class destination for adventure tourism.

The Tipperary projects will share a total of €37, 850. The projects are the Lough Derg Way near Newtown, the Kilcommon Pilgrim Loop, the Multeen Way and St Declan’s Way. A maximum of €10,000 is available for farmers and landowners to maintain trails that cross their land.  

Scoping works are also underway in collaboration between Tipperary Revitalisation Task force and Ballyhoura Development to investigate if the existing Ballyhoura Way route can be altered to link Tipperary town to the Glen of Aherlow along the River Arra. This work is allocated €10,000.