Community Group Forms To Coordinate Response To Solar Farm Near Dualla


A Community group(Dualla Together) has formed in Dualla village to co-ordinate a community response to an application for planning permission for a 129 hectare solar farm near the village which is located close to Cashel. The group says the scale of the project with an expected 40-year lifespan is not appropriate for the intended location. A large section of the solar farm would extend along the boundary of the village close to the sportsfield, a B&B, the National School, the graveyard, the Church and a housing estate – restricting future development on that side of the village.

The group are running drop in workshops in the Community Centre with a further workshop planned for April 3rd to assist anyone interested  in making a submission on the planning permission application which closes on April 7th. The application is on behalf of Power Capital Renewable  Energy who say they will be submitting a separate planning application for a sub station directly to An Bord Pleanála under the Strategic Infrastructure Planning legislation – the possible location for the substation is unknown at this stage. The planning application reference number is 2460156 and to date 97 submissions have been published on the Planning Authority Website.