ICMSA New President Confirmed To Take Over From Local Farmer


Dairy farmer Denis Drennan has been confirmed as the next president of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association(ICMSA).

Mr Drennan, from Co Kilkenny, takes up the role following the ICMSA AGM held yesterday.

He will serve an initial term of three years and takes over from outgoing president Pat McCormack who farms just outside Tipperary town.

Eamonn Carroll, who also farms in Tipperary will be the next ICMSA deputy president representing approximately 14,000 dairy farmers around the country. 

Toomevara based pig farmer, Tim Cullinan, is stepping down after 4 years as IFA president and will be replaced by Francie Gorman, a county Laois sheep and beef farmer as the 17th president of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA).

Alice Doyle from Wexford is the incoming Deputy President of the IFA. The turnout for the IFA election was  confirmed as being just short  of 30,000 votes.