Rural Independents Table Motion Calling For Overhaul of Ireland ‘Open Door’ Immigration Policy


The Rural Independents have tabled a motion for consideration in a 2 hour Dáil debate tomorrow calling for an overhaul of Ireland’s ‘Open Door’ Immigration Policies.

The limited Private Members Bill will be debated between 10am and noon and calls on the government to end the exploitation of what it calls “lax immigration protocols.”

Deputy Mattie McGrath, leader of the Rural Independent Group says the influx of asylum seekers (non-Ukrainian) has surged by 37% so far this year raising serious concerns.  Deputy McGrath says many arrive without proper identification, impeding a thorough vetting processes.

The Rural Group also reject the Government’s position that Ireland is compelled by EU law to accept limitless asylum seekers as “misleading.”

Deputy McGrath says the Treaty of Amsterdam, gives Ireland the option to opt out of EU legislation related to freedom, security, and justice, which encompasses immigration and asylum.

The Rural Independent Group, says it strongly supports immigrants who genuinely seek asylum or make positive contributions to society.

Ireland presently accommodates a record 26,092 non-Ukrainian refugees, identified as International Protection Applicants (asylum seekers) in over 200 centres nationwide and Minister Roderic O’Gorman says the Government can no longer provide accommodation and that as of yesterday sleeping bags and tents may be issued to asylum seekers. The cost to taxpayers is also an issue for the Rural Independent Group with €356 M being paid on accommodation in 2022, this cost is expected to be well over half a billion for 2023.  These figures do not include social welfare payments and other social assistance schemes.

The Rural Independents want realistic caps and comprehensive vetting to form part of the Government’s immigration policy.

The full text of the Motion is available at this link here.