Details Released By Tipperary Garda On Lifesaver Offences On The County’s Roads


Tipperary Garda have released details of what it calls lifesaver offences on the county’s roads.

Between January and the end of July Garda report an 8% drop in drivers being detected using their phones while driving – 415 such offences were detected in county Tipperary.  There was a dramatic, 22% increase, in the number of offences detected in respect of not wearing seatbelts up from 166 in the same period last year to 202 such offences this year.  Speeding offences detected also show a reduction – down by 9%.   2,225 drivers were detected driving over the limit in Tipperary between January and July this year. In the same period of time Garda carried out 1,875 Mandatory Intoxicant Checkpoints – these are planned roadside checkpoints. The findings show that 183 “driving while intoxicated offences” were detected and this total includes 45 drug driving offences.