Politicians Call For Clarity About Planned Expansion For Scoil Aonghusa


The Tipperary Branch of the Social Democrats is voicing its total disgust at how the expansion of Scoil Aonghusa is being handled.

The Branch is angered by the lack of urgency being shown by the Department of Education to this very valuable service for some of the most vulnerable children in Tipperary.

Disability campaigner and spokesperson for the Branch, Alan Moynihan says there’s confusion surrounding this project since March when the Minister had to clarify the allocation of classrooms to the Oireachtas. 

Mr Moynihan says due to the failure to deliver on the planned expansion, which has not even started, the staff canteen will be used as a classroom and the staff carpark will not be available for use. 

Chair Of Social Democrats Brendan Guckian says the school management and staff must be commended for the unbelievable lengths they are being forced to go to in order to provide services for the additional students they have taken in on the back of the Minister’s broken promises.

In conjunction with a local campaign, some members of the Tipperary Branch of the Social Democrats have pledged to eat their weekday lunches outside or in their cars in solidarity with the staff at Scoil Aonghusa, until such a point as the staff canteen is available again.