Low Pressure & Loss Of Supply For Customers Supplied By Galtee Regional Public Water Supply


Customers supplied by the Galtee Regional Public Water Supply can expect a mix of low pressure or a total loss of supply due to an operational issue at the water treatment plant resulting in reservoir levels depleting to low levels. 

Remedial works have been delayed due to the industrial strike action arising from a dispute between the Unite Trade Union and 7 Local Authorities including Tipperary County Council, which is taking place between Wednesday, 2 August, and Friday, 4 August inclusive. Uisce Éireann says it will issue further updates tomorrow, Thursday, 3 August.

Customers supplied by the Galtee Regional Public Water Supply may be impacted in the following areas: Emly, Lattin, Ballinard, Cullen, Ballywire, Kilross, Limerick Junction, Monard, Lisvernane, Rossadrehid, Bansha, Tankardstown, Kilfeacle, Golden, Cashel, Rosegreen, New Inn and surrounding areas.

Uisce Éireann has arranged the delivery of an alternative water supply with drinking water to the following locations:

  • Mount Bruis National School 
  • Cullen Village
  • Lisvernane Village 
  • NewInn 
  • Rosegreen Village 
  • Rossadrehid Village 
  • Monard Village 
  • Bansha Village 
  • Emly Village 
  • Lattin Village 
  • Tesco Car Park, Cashel 
  • Dominic Street, Cashel 
  • Castle Green Avenue, Cashel 
  • Dean Ryan Terrace, Cashel 
  • Oliver Plunkett Terrace, Cashel

Customers are reminded to use their own containers when taking water from the tanker and to boil water before consumption as a precautionary measure, as per HSE advice.

Customers are reminded that the Galtee Regional Public Water Supply is currently on a Boil Water Notice due to increased turbidity impacting the treatment processes at the water treatment plant.

Vulnerable customers who have registered with Uisce Éireann receive direct communications from Uisce Eireann in cases of planned and unplanned outages lasting more than four hours. 

Uisce Eireann is urging the UNITE trade union to use the recognised dispute resolution mechanisms to resolve the issue which relates to worker’s employment rights for staff that opt to remain as direct employees of the Council or opting to become direct employees of Uisce Eireann. All water service workers are to be direct employees of Uisce Eireann by 2026 under the Government’s Framework Agreement

The Uisce Éireann customer care helpline is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278 and customers can also contact the company on Twitter @IWCare with any queries. For updates please visit the Water Supply Updates section of the Uisce Éireann website.