Council Reports Progress On Installation Of CCTV In Communities


Tipperary County Council is reporting progress as regards the provision of CCTV in communities across the county. Under current legislation the Garda Commissioner’s office must approve CCTV Schemes before they can be installed. This is to ensure that the scheme complies with GDPR legislation and that the footage can reliably be used as evidence.

Several schemes have been approved for installation but council executives have raised concerns about funding for ongoing maintenance of the equipment and the longer term replacement of equipment before more schemes are developed and submitted for approval. Councillors will take part in a Finance Workshop on June 26th at 3pm to examine the level of funding necessary and how this can be found within the council budget or from elsewhere.

The planned CCTV schemes in Burgess, Ballina and Cooleens have now been approved by the Commissioner’s office and Council officials say they will be in regular contact with the office in respect of other outstanding approvals.  The Department of Justice provides a grant for the installation of the equipment in the first instance.