Talks Underway In Bid To Resolve Dispute Involving Retained Firefighters


Talks are underway today in a bid to resolve a dispute involving Retained Firefighters across the country.

Approximately 2,000 retained firefighters across the country are represented by SIPTU.

The personnel are employees of local authorities and the LGMA represents the employer side in talks.

The service is suffering from a recruitment and retention crisis leaving some stations such as Tipperary towns badly short staffed.

The Government accepted Recommendations from a review that would improve working conditions and payment for staff and promises an increase of 20% in staffing levels.

The LGMA is not accepting all of the recommendations leading to the industrial action which is to escalate to rolling station closures on June 13th involving 50% of stations and an all out strike on June 20th if no resolution is found.

Tipperary Council CEO Joe McGrath says a resolution may be achieved in talks today but will give an update to councillors at Monday’s meeting of Tipperary County Council.