Co. Tipp Schools Allocated Over €1.7M For School Books


Schools in county Tipperary will receive funding of over €1.7M as part of the new Government scheme to eliminate the need for parents to fund school books for children in primary or special schools.

Tipperary’s Government TD, Jackie Cahill is welcoming the funding allocation.

The measure was announced in the Budget last autumn and is to provide  

free school books, workbooks and copy books in all primary schools and special schools to help ease some of the financial burden facing families with back-to-school costs. The scheme will be in operation for the coming academic year.

The scheme will benefit more than 558,000 pupils nationally in approximately 3,230 primary schools, including over 130 special schools.

Schools will receive €96 in respect of each pupil enrolled, with the scheme involving a total spend of €53,584,032.