12 New Street Signs Placed Up In Tipp Town


Work has begun on replacing and upgrading street name signs in Tipperary town.

To date 12 new signs, in Irish and English,  have been installed at a total cost of €2,500.

Cllr Roger Kennedy says funds are not available to install a full set of up to possibly 120 signs in 2023.

Cllr Kennedy accepted that the many streets have no signage while other street name signs have become faded and impossible to read.

No new signs were installed on Main Street resulting in a mix of signage formats and conditions on the main street of Tipperary town. 

No public consultation took place in advance of the new street name signs.

Cllr Kennedy says with the limited funding available consultation would not have served any purpose.

Cllr Kennedy says the 12 signs represent a start on installing street name signs and that the work will continue as quickly as possible subject to funding being available.

New signs are visible on St Michael’s St, Market Place, Gashouse Lane, Kickham Place, Bridge St, Davis St, James St, and  O’Brien Street.

Tipperary Tidy Towns says it was not consulted in the purchase, design or placing of any street signs in the town.

The group says it has requested an audit of all public signs including on approach roads.

Chairperson of Tipperary Tidy Towns, Paul O’Callaghan says a significant number of the existing signs are in poor condition, tilting and dirty while others are of modern design and don’t reflect the town’s Heritage.

Mr O’Callaghan says their preference is for all signs to be heritage related in design, relevant to their location and effective in communicating information.

Tipperary Tidy Towns are currently evaluating anti-litter signs about the town and says the group  would like a more coordinated approach to sign design.