Written Consent Must Be Secured By Those Apply For Local Improvement Scheme(LIS)


Communities interested in applying for the Local Improvement Scheme(LIS) in respect of roadway improvements must secure the written consent of all adjacent land owners. The matter was raised at Thurles MD meeting by Councillor Sean Ryan. Not all adjacent landowners have to contribute financially but all must consent to the council working on the road according to Roads engineer Jim Ryan. This is in respect of the LIS currently taking applications for non – public roads which closes on February 13th.  Previous applicants must submit all relevant documentation again this year as the scheme guidelines have changed for 2023.

A local contribution from applicants is set at 10% for eligible roads with up to and including five beneficiaries, and is set at 15% for those with six or more beneficiaries. The total contribution is based on the estimated cost of the project. The scheme in County Tipperary received €1,125,773 in 2022 and the Council is hopeful that a similar allocation will be available for 2023 from the Department of Rural and Community Development.

Further details and application forms are available from Roads Section, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Limerick Road, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Telephone 0818 06 5000, by email from [email protected] or from the Council’s website www.tipperarycoco.ie.

A separate grant scheme for public roads will open for applications later this year.