Minister Of State For Children Apologies To Tipp Families For Delays To Children Services


The Minister of State at the Department of Children is apologising for delays experienced by Tipperary families in accessing services for their children.

Minister Anne Rabbitt says the problem is extensive with 28% of posts vacant over all 91 Children’s Disability Network Teams nationally.

It follows criticism from Fianna Fail Jackie Cahill about the HSE failure to fill posts needed to reduce the waiting list for  services at the  Children’s Disability Network in North Tipperary.

At present there are 339 children waiting for supports and a further 42 children waiting on an ASD Assessment.

In total there are 1,473 children in North Tipperary seeking supports from the Network.

There are two posts vacant – one since March and one since May this year which is causing an increase in the waiting lists and delays in providing services.

This means 524 of 1892 posts are currently vacant.