Proposed Improvement Works For Tipp Hills Revealed


A proposal for improvement works at the Tipperary Hills has gone on display on the Council website and at the offices of Tipperary County Council on Rosanna Road, Tipperary Town.

Funding of €500,000 was secured for the project via the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. 

Public input on the emerging design which is being developed by the Dave Ryan Landscape Architect Design Team is now being sought by the Council.

There will also be a formal Part 8 Planning process in January. The public are asked to give feedback on the proposal up to December 5th via the online portal on which consists of six broad questions.

The project objectives are to upgrade and improve access to the site from the town centre and public transport stops.

Improvements are also proposed for the pathways to deliver a gradient no greater than 1:20 with improved paths, steps and ramps with railings.

The level area of grass will be improved for informal ball play and kickabout.

Two locations within the Tipperary Hills for use as a picnic spot and social area are also proposed.

The first is next to the Pitch and Putt Club House and the second is at the flat hollow playing pitch.

Seating and signage will also be upgraded.

Planting will be used to improve the area as a habitat and to screen the existing mast and to reframe some of the views from the local park that covers almost 23 acres.

Consideration will also be given to enhancing the general offering at the site including the potential for amphitheatre and meeting point/seating/BBQ area and an improved layout for the existing carpark.   Full details can be found here

The Cabinet has approved the Local Government Bill 2022 and the legislation is expected to be presented to the Dáil for approval before Christmas.

The legislation will include a choice for elected members of councils to appoint an individual as a temporary substitute in the place a Councillor who takes a period of maternity-related absence, or is absent due to illness.

There will also be an option for a Councillor on maternity leave to avail of an administrative support allowance to help with the running of her office.

The change is being made to make the role more attractive and viable for women.

The Bill has already been through Pre-Legislative Scrutiny.

The additional administrative assistance for the duration of their maternity leave will enable a councillor on maternity leave to engage someone on a weekly basis to assist with secretarial work.

In County Tipperary there are 9 female councillors making the female participation rate 23% whereas women make up 50% of the general  population.