ICMSA Seeks Garda Commissioner Meeting Amid Aggressive Trespassers


The ICMSA is seeking a meeting with the Garda Commissioner to discuss the Garda response to farmer complaints about trespassers on their land being aggressive towards farmers.

Limerick ICMSA Chair John Bateman says some farmers recently had to call Garda 5 times before a response was received.

In the incident the final call, from a woman observing 6 men in her yard searching an open backed jeep, did activate a Garda response but the trespassers did not encounter the Garda.

Mr Batemen said the problem is an issue all over Ireland  and that he is inundated with farmers telling him of similar experiences.

The ICMSA hopes to have meetings with local Garda inspectors and superintendents to stress the importance of a quick response.

He said some recent robberies led him to believe that properties are being visited by criminals in advance of an actual robbery.

Mr Bateman said the trespassers are aggressive and  the farmers,  being alone and much older, in general are very vulnerable. He also expressed concerns for injuries from or to livestock or involving firearms should the incidents escalate.