New Tipperary County Development Plan Adopted

Tipperary County Council Civic Offices, Tipperary Town. Image © Tipp Mid West Radio

A new Tipperary County Development Plan 2022 – 2028 for the entire county of

Tipperary was adopted on the 11 July 2022 by the Elected Members of Tipperary County Council. The new County Development Plan will become effective on Monday the 22 August and will replace the South Tipperary County Development Plan 2009 and the North Tipperary County Development Plan 2010.

From this date, and for the six years new development in Tipperary must reflect and embrace the planning vision, policies and objectives of the County Development Plan.

This Plan is historic as it is the first ever all-county plan prepared for Tipperary, setting out a progressive and sustainable vision for the county.

The ‘Core Strategy’ in the County Development Plan recognises that actions must be taken to prepare for and support a climate resilient, sustainable and low-carbon Tipperary.

The new County Development Plan is set out over 5 Volumes and is available

to view on the County Council webpage at