Co Tipp Pupil Highlights Lack Of Services To Tánaiste


Photo Credit: Josepha Madigan Twitter

A Tipperary pupil and her family have met with the Tánaiste to highlight the lack of services for children with special needs.

Cara Darmody from Ardfinnan spoke to Leo Varadkar and also Minister for Special Education Josephina Madigan yesterday.

The 11 year old sees firsthand the impact the lack of services has on her young brothers Neil and John who have severe autism.

The Ardfinnan student set up a fundraiser early this month after seeing the impact the lack of services were having on her two younger brothers who have severe autism.

To date 17,000 euro has been raised which will provide therapies for children at Ardfinnan National School and Scoil Chormaic Special School in Cashel.

The pupil from Ardfinann National School is also taking part in a very unique challenge by sitting the Junior Cycle maths exam next month.