An Post Supporting Ukrainian Crisis Appeal


An Post and the Communications Workers Union are supporting Ukrainian crisis appeals that are being run by Unicef and the Red Cross.

Financial donations for the Unicef and the Red Cross appeals can be made at any post office, Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings.

An Post and Postmasters have waived the fees normally payable for such transactions, so the entirety of the donation will go to the two charities.

An Post is also making arrangements to provide any displaced Ukrainian citizens who come to Ireland with an AN Post current account as well as access to its Address Point service, which provides a secure, personal address to people who are homeless or living in temporary accommodation.

An Post and the Communications Workers Union have also made trucks and drivers available to the Irish Red Cross, should they require transport for goods to Ukraine or a neighbouring country in the future, but say the focus is on encouraging cash donations.

Cash donations can be used to buy specific emergency supplies closer to where they are most needed.