Remote Working Gets a Boost as New Initiatives Announced


Remote working has gotten a boost today as new initiatives have been announced to help people work remotely where possible.

For the first time, workers will now be able to book office or desk space in their local hub through a mobile app called Connected Hubs.

€5 million is to be made available to expand and enhance existing Remote Working facilities.

These initiatives will be underpinned by a major new national awareness campaign designed to promote the many benefits of choosing your local hub for your working day.

Minister Heather Humphreys also revealed today that the number of remote working facilities on the Connected Hubs Network will exceed 200 this week, which includes the Digital Hub on the Rosanna Road in Tipperary Town.

The pandemic led to an explosion in the idea of working remotely and the Government is keen to keep the benefits of improving the worker’s quality of life, less congestion and a lower carbon footprint.

Minister Humphreys is appealing to employers and businesses to look at the facilities available through the Connected Hubs when developing their future plans for hybrid or blended working.